Week 8-- Banned Books and Your Bookshelf

I am not a huge reader, but the first book that stood out that I have read over the few years was 50 Shades of Grey, which to me is a no-brainer. This was a very sexual and vulgar book to read but as a female I really enjoyed it and the story behind it. I liked the book a lot better than the movie. Another one that was listed that I've read is the Hunger Games, which I'm a tad confused as to why this book was banned. I thought it was a great read, one that made it hard to put the book down!

I think it's socially acceptable to limit books to public school libraries, but to local libraries, I think it should be a open to everything. A public school library should definitely have limitations on what type of books they put into their library mainly because it's important that when kids go to school, they're being educated about the correct things and not being able to get ahold of books that can influence them on the wrong things at that age. When it comes to a public, local library, I think all should be welcome. Wether it has to do with religion, violence, sexual content, or anything along those lines, I think the library should be able to provide off of those different types of books because of how many different types of people there are throughout the community.

Okay.. I am not a big reader. I don't really have a specific 'book shelf'. I have always been drawn to Nicholas Sparks books and adore all of the love stories that he has written.

I have always been known as a 'girly girl'... I always go for magazines when I am traveling either in a car or on a plane. I always go for Comsopolatin, People, or Vogue magazine. I go for these  because they spike all my interests. Cosmo and Vogue typically are giving me info on the latest fashion, advice on dating, funny stories, and always throw in tips for women that I've always found really interesting. People Magazine is always giving me the latest news on the celebrities and that's just something that i've always found entertaining.

Cosmo and Vogue are normally advertising for clothing, good skin products, natural products that are good for you, healthy meals for women that are good, easy, and fast, or even good hair products, and advice or funny stories coming from other women to share to the readers. As a consumer, I think this says alot about me that I love fashion, taking care of my body, and the gossip is hilarious, of course!


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